6 Simple DIY Fixes for a Dust-Free Closet

6 Simple DIY Fixes for a Dust-Free Closet

6 Simple DIY Fixes for a Dust-Free Closet Jan 22, 2017 It’s no secrete it can be difficult to keep a dust free home in East Texas. Shoes, rarely used items, boxes, carpeting or shelving can introduce or harbor dust mites. Infrequent cleaning habits in these...
How to Get Rid of Static Shock in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Static Shock in Your Home

What Does REME technology mean for Longview TX? Feb 3, 2012 Static shock is a common problem during winter in Kilgore, Texas. Dry chilly weather creates the perfect conditions for static electricity to occur. If you’re struggling with the hassle and discomfort of high...
Indoor Air Quality and Your Home Office

Indoor Air Quality and Your Home Office

What Does REME technology mean for Longview TX? Feb 3, 2012 More companies are allowing employees to work remotely, which means that many people spend more time at home than in a typical office environment. While this is a nice benefit, you may soon realize the...
How to Keep Heating Bills Low this Winter

How to Keep Heating Bills Low this Winter

What Does REME technology mean for Longview TX? Feb 3, 2012 Winter usually means big changes to the way you use our HVAC system. During the cooling season, you usually set your thermostat and forget it. Constantly fluctuating temperatures during the winter months can...
How to Help Your HVAC System Stand the Test of Time

How to Help Your HVAC System Stand the Test of Time

How to Help Your HVAC System Stand the Test of Time Nov 20, 2016 We all dread the day when we finally have to replace an expensive item. We often stretch our cars and our cell phones just about as far as they can go before giving in and spending money on their...
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