6 Simple DIY Fixes for a Dust-Free Closet

Jan 22, 2017

Woman dusting finger

It’s no secrete it can be difficult to keep a dust free home in East Texas. Shoes, rarely used items, boxes, carpeting or shelving can introduce or harbor dust mites. Infrequent cleaning habits in these areas can create a major build-up of potential allergens. Overhaul your closets and adjust your storage and housekeeping habits to get rid of hidden dust and keep future accumulation at bay.

Clear the Floor

The floor is one of the top areas where dust likes to settle. You can keep dust in your closet under control by vacuuming, sweeping the floor regularly and removing unnecessary items. When you have piles of boxes, luggage, and other items on the floor, it’s easy for dust to hide under and around these items. If possible, find alternate storage or place the items on a higher shelf in the closet instead.

Reconsider your shoe storage if you have a lot of footwear on the floor of a bedroom closet. Make sure everyone knows not to place dirty shoes in the closets. Apart from adding to your chores by leaving more debris, dirty shoes can introduce dust and other allergens into your home.

Remove Dust Effectively

If you clean up dust by wiping down surfaces with the first cloth that comes to hand, you may end up spreading more than you collect. It’s important to use the right tools to capture dust effectively and remove it from your closet. Wipe down flat surfaces with an electrostatic or microfiber cloth that effectively picks up dust.

If you have hard floors in your closet, use a damp microfiber mop to collect dust. If your closet is carpeted, vacuum frequently. The most efficient vacuum is one with a HEPA filter, though any vacuum with a clean filter will help you to remove dust more effectively.

Eliminate Clutter

Keeping your closet neat and organized will eliminate many of the places where dust mites like to hide. Keep loose items like scarves, shoes, hats and other accessories in plastic boxes. Stash socks and intimates in closed drawers. Clean out your closet at least once a year and sell, donate, or discard items that you no longer need or want so you have as few items as possible collecting dust in this space.

Seal Out-of-Season Clothing

The Texas weather varies enough that you’re likely to have different sets of clothing. Put away your jackets and sweaters in summer and light clothing in winter. Use plastic zippered garment bags or plastic boxes to keep these items dust-free until you’re ready to wear them again.

Keep the Air Clean

If you’ve ever spotted dust floating about, you get an idea of just how much of this particular problem is airborne. Make sure your HVAC system is well equipped to capture dust in the air. Schedule an annual maintenance visit so your heating and cooling systems are in top condition. During this visit, your HVAC technician will thoroughly clean the unit, inside and out, to get rid of accumulated dust.

Check the filter in your HVAC system once a month for dust buildup. Change the filter at least once every three months. If you see a visible accumulation of dust, opt for more frequent changes. A dirty filter will affect your health and the performance of your heating and cooling systems.

Minimize Textiles

You can eliminate many unnecessary extras. Use plastic drawers and boxes instead of fabric ones that will attract dust. Use wood or plastic blinds on any closet windows and eliminate fabric hangings that will only make your dust problem worse.

Are you still struggling with dust and pollutants in your home? Contact JD’s A/C at (903) 759-7483 for help with improving your home’s indoor air quality. We’ll help you identify the best products and services for your unique needs so you can breathe easier year round.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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