Feb 3, 2012
Dust is the clingy powdery layer that seems to land on every flat surface in your Longview, TX home. Getting rid of dust may seem like a never ending battle, as a new layer seems to develop right after you clean. Our professional air conditioning repair and installation technicians offer tips for eliminating dust in your Longview, TX home.
Air Filter
Replacing the air filter in your HVAC system is one of the easiest ways to eliminate dust. The air filter traps dirt and particles before they can get into the rest of your home. If you are sensitive or allergic to mites, using a HEPA filter in your air conditioning system will trap more of these allergens and eliminate problematic dustiness from your Longview TX home.
System Cleaning
When it comes to getting rid of dusty surfaces in your home, cleaning your air conditioning system is a must. Debris collects within the motor and internal mechanical parts of the air conditioning system, which then gets sent into your air ducts. Cleaning your air conditioner’s coils, motor and fan will eliminate dust from your home.
Air Conditioning Repair and Installation
If your Longview TX home’s air conditioner is old or in disrepair, your home is dustier than it otherwise could be. Air conditioning repair or installation allows your air conditioner to effectively filter dirt and debris from the air in your house. . An air conditioning repair and installation service results in a cleaner and less dusty home.
At JD’s Air Now, our professional air conditioner service technicians are experienced in air conditioning repair and installation for all types and sizes of homes. When you are ready to get rid of the dust in your Longview, TX home, we at JD’s Air Now are here for you.